"When the Struggle is Real"

While I don't want people to bend over backwards for me, sometimes an offer to help would be nice.

I was recently going to teach at a local school and as I was walking into the building, some papers fell out of my folder and onto the ground.  I went to bend over and pick them up but I was really struggling to lean down that far. As I was struggling, two people walked by me without offering to help. One was a student and the other was an adult. I feel the adult should have had the manners and common courtesy to stop and at least ask me if I needed help. I was kind of shocked because I know if I saw someone struggling to do something I would at least offer to help them.

On a positive note, recently a cashier in a convenience store gladly helped me when I was struggling to see the credit card machine in order to check out. I kept apologizing because I felt like I was holding up the line. He said to me,"You are a customer like everybody else and they can wait." I actually thought to myself, "wow he is so right."

I wish everybody would treat others with the kindness that this employee showed me because it would make the world a much easier and comfortable place to live, work and grow.

Written by Sydney Breslow


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