Doctors who are Clueless

Have you ever been to the doctor and felt totally disrespected and bullied? Up until this week, my experiences with doctors have been fairly positive. I went to see my primary care doctor for my yearly physical and she was so rude to me throughout the appointment, I literally broke down in tears. I knew the doctor was going to be late because I had been there for my flu shot the week before and waited thirty minutes for her. Therefore, I asked someone at the front desk to let me know when the doctor gets to the office, so I didn't have to sit in a gown and be cold for 30 minutes. The employee was very nice and told me there was a patient ahead of me, so she had no problem doing that. However, the front desk employee forgot to tell me and the doctor walked into the room, without knocking, to get something for another patient and questioned me about why I was not changed yet in a rude tone. I felt like a child who was in trouble for doing something wrong at school. Not to ...