I wish I could change. . .

Would you want to live in a world where everybody is the same? Would you want to live in a world where everybody has the same abilities, strengths, weaknesses and thoughts? I would not want to live in this world because I think it would be so boring. Unfortunately, the physical environment of our world is built with the mindset that everyone is the same and even more unfortunate is that many people in our world still stigmatize disabilities. There are so many things that I wish I could change for those with disabilities in my life and internationally. I wish I could change the stares from strangers and the questions to be more respectful. I was with a friend this weekend who has a physical disability. We were in the lobby of a movie theater and this man came up to her and started asking her all these questions about her injury. Why do people think it is their business how a stranger got injured? I wish I could change the mindset of potential employers to see every ...