"Overcoming Fears to Face Scares"

Would you go to a haunted house the day before halloween if you had difficulty walking? If you asked me this question on Monday of last week, "I would have said, "hell no." My coworkers had planned a trip to the haunted house and all day on Tuesday I was back and forth if I should go or not. Around 1:30pm, I told my coworkers that I don't think I should go because I do not want to fall again and I think it will just be too difficult for me. Around 4:30pm, my coworkers came into my office and said that they had been talking and really wanted me to come. They told me they would hold onto my arms, so I wouldn't fall. I still was not convinced that it would be safe for me, so we decided to call the place to find out if the haunted house was accessible. We found out that all but one part was accessible for me and they could walk me around that one part. The lady on the phone said that she would radio down to the people in the obstacle to let them know that I...