"Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk"

I felt a strong connection as soon as I walked in the room and it only grew stronger as we talked and got to know each other. My coworker and I recently traveled to a nursing facility for a consumer appointment. As we were getting ready to leave, a staff member asked us what we were doing. We explained to her about some of our services and she wanted us to meet another resident in the facility. She told us that the individual was young and had a master's degree. When we walked into the room, the young woman was lying in bed in the middle of the day, which truly surprised me and broke my heart. She told us that she wants to live independently and get a job advocating for those with disabilities. She had a very similar story to mine in her employment journey. Unfortunately, potential employers judged her based on her disability instead of her skills, intellect and abilities. The way that she looked at me was unreal and she c...