"A Year in Review"

This weekend a year ago, I embarked on a journey that was scary and exciting. I moved into my apartment and started the process to live completely independently. Over the last year, I have learned so much about myself and the world around me and I am so thankful for where I am today and for the people that helped me get there. My biggest takeaways from this last year: 1. The best things in life take patience to find and hard work to get. It took me almost a year to find a job but I found a job where I feel more accepted than I have ever felt before. 2. Not every person is going to be kind and accepting of your differences but that's okay because with education you may be able to change this person's outlook on people who are different. I learned this lesson as I was looking for a job and it was not an easy lesson to learn but this is why I started my blog. 3. Family and friends are and should be the most important people in your life. My family and friends have b...