A Walk in the Park

CAMARADERIE, LOVE, SPIRIT and HOPE. These are the four words I would use to describe what I felt yesterday at the annual Energy for Life Walk in Cherry Hill, NJ. I love participating in this walk because it raises awareness, and raises funds to help patients and their families affected by Mitochondrial Disease. It also motivates me to walk a mile, which for some people is a walk in the park (no pun intended) but for me is a very challenging task due to my Mitochondrial Disease. I was actually nervous that I would not even be able to complete the mile this year because my legs have recently been getting extremely tired when I walk even short distances. However, I was determined to do this mile for all those people with Mitochondrial Disease who cannot walk a mile. It was also my personal goal to walk the mile without any rests so that people could actually see the affects on my body when my mitochondria run out of energy. I did it!!!! With the help of my team behind me and my dad be...