Being "targeted" at Target

Imagine shopping with a friend on the weekend and your friend is suddenly approached by a stranger who starts whispering to her. As the outsider in this situation, what would you do? Being the curious person I am, I wanted to hear what the stranger was saying to my friend, so I pushed my walker closer and strained to listen. Unfortunately, I still couldn't hear the conversation. After the stranger left, I asked my friend what the person wanted, and she said the lady was the owner of an Adult Day Health facility for people with disabilities and she thought they may be able to help me. She had given my friend a business card. My friend, who knows me so well, was so taken aback and was truly at a loss for words. While this lady may have thought she was doing the right thing by approaching my friend, she made an assumption about the type of disability I have and that I needed help. Both of these assumptions were made by seeing my physical disability and possibly overhearing my speech ...